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Mutual Funds
Investing through mutualInvesting through mutual funds has become the most popular way of savings now-a-days. Mutual fund is a professionally managed scheme wherein they pool money from different numerous investors to be invested in bonds, stocks & other securities. Your investments done through MFs are safe as all the mutual fund operators are registered with SEBI & work within framework created to protect the investors.

Advantages Of Investing In Mutual Funds 

Mutual funds have become a very popular investment option in India and this trend still continues with new funds and schemes being introduced in the market regularly. Some of the key reasons why people invest in mutual funds are outlined below. 

Professional management: Mutual funds are managed by fund managers of asset management companies. These managers employ their investment expertise to minimise risks and maximise returns to investors. Individuals often find it difficult to decide which assets to invest their savings in due to lack of financial knowledge.

Diversification of risks: Since mutual funds invest in a number of securities, risk is diversified. The chances of all stocks performing badly at the same time is low. Losses suffered on some stocks are offset by gains made on others. This leads to minimization of risks.

Affordable investment option: For those who don’t have sizeable amounts to invest in direct equity or other instruments that require a high initial investment, mutual funds make for an affordable investment avenue. Also, transaction costs are spread out over a number of investors thereby lowering individual costs.

Focused investments: All mutual funds feature schemes clearly specifying which assets are targeted for investments, allowing investors to direct savings to different asset classes in an organised and focused manner. It also gives investors access to certain securities otherwise unavailable to them e.g. foreign sectors or foreign securities which cannot be invested in by individuals.

Choice of assets: There are various types of funds e.g. equity funds, debt funds, money market funds, hybrid funds, sector funds, regional funds, fund of funds, index funds etc. giving investors a wide range of choice.

Easy purchase and redemption: Fund units can be easily bought and sold at prevailing unit prices or NAVs. Unless there’s a lock-in period, it is easy for investors to buy into or out of a fund thereby providing liquidity.

Tax benefits: A number of funds/schemes have been designed to act as tax-saving instruments e.g. ELSS or equity linked saving schemes. Investments made in these schemes qualify for income tax deductions.

High returns: Mutual funds have been known to provide good returns on medium and long-term investments since investors can diversify risk to enhance overall returns.

Regulated investments: All funds come under the purview of SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) which ensures dealings are as per regulations. This provides an element of safety to investments made.

Easy to track: It can be hard for investors to regularly review their investment portfolios. Mutual funds provide clear statements of all investments which makes it easy for investors to keep a tab on. Hybrid or balanced funds provide investors an avenue to access both equity and debt funds at one go in a proportion of choice.

SIP options: Systematic Investment Plans let individuals invest small amounts on a regular basis to avail benefits of rupee cost averaging. It’s an alternative to those who cannot invest lump sum amounts thereby appealing to investors across income levels. Mutual funds accept initial investments as low as Rs.500.

Flexibility through fund switching: Many funds offer investors flexibility by letting investors switch between schemes or between funds to avail better returns
There are some terms unique to mutual funds which investors should be aware about.

  • Fund Units or Shares - Investments in a mutual fund are made by buying units or shares of a particular fund. The more the units bought the higher the investment.
  • Net Asset Value - This is the unit price or price per share of the fund. The NAV of a fund changes depending on the fund’s performance. Units are purchased or sold/redeemed at the prevailing NAV or unit price at the time of purchase/sale.
  • Lock-in Period - Certain funds stipulate a period during which units cannot be sold i.e. investors cannot liquidate their investment during this period. If allowed, it is subject to a penalty or loss of benefits.
  • Offer document - This is a formal document that outlines the basic features of the fund. The objective of the fund and the asset classes that the fund will invest in is mentioned in the offer document. It also contains terms and conditions of the fund and other details such as who will manage the fund, risk factors, the fund’s performance history and other financials. Investors should read the offer document carefully before investing in a fund.
  • Assets Under Management (AUM): This refers to the total market value of funds being managed by a mutual fund company.
  • Expense Ratio: This indicates the expenses incurred by the fund in relation to the total assets.
  • New Fund Offer (NFO): New fund offers are new funds/schemes launched in the market by an AMC. Investors can buy units of these new funds at the offer price, which is usually very low. Subsequent purchases in these funds will have to be made at prevailing NAVs.
  • Redemption: This is when fund units are sold/transferred/cancelled.
Mutual funds are open to a wide range of investors including Resident Individuals, NRIs, PIOs, HUFs, Companies, Partnership Firms, Trusts, Cooperative Societies, Banking and Non-Banking Financial Institutions, registered FIIs, QFIs etc. This is not an exhaustive list but represents the more commonly known types of investors in mutual funds in India.

How to invest in mutual funds

Mutual funds are made easily accessible to investors. Applications can be made in the following ways.

Agents: These are professionals who are trained to reach out to customers to provide information on the various funds provided by a company. They help process applications and deal with related issues e.g. redemption, cancellation, transfer of units and other dealings with the company. Agent commissions, which normally range up to 6%, are added on to the purchase price of fund units.

Direct: Customers can invest directly by visiting the nearest office of the mutual fund company or by going online. Forms can be availed and submitted at the appropriate office or downloaded from the company website and submitted at the office. Alternatively, applications can be processed online. Applying for Mutual Funds and Online transactions are becoming increasingly popular for many reasons, as mentioned below.

  • Convenience: Schemes can be applied from the comfort of one’s own office or home.
  • Easy comparison: Besides company websites, there are a number of online financial services providers which act as single-point portals for viewing and comparing funds and schemes from multiple companies.
  • Independence: All required information, including brochures and other material, are provided online for making informed, independent decisions.
There are many different types of mutual funds categorised based on structure, asset class and investment objective

Equity Funds: These are funds that invest in equity stocks/shares of companies. These are considered high-risk funds but also tend to provide high returns.

Debt Funds: These are funds that invest in debt instruments e.g. company debentures, government bonds and other fixed income assets. They are considered safe investments and provide fixed returns.

Money Market Funds: These are funds that invest in liquid instruments e.g. T-Bills, CPs etc. They are considered safe investments for those looking to park surplus funds for immediate but moderate returns.

Balanced or Hybrid Funds: These are funds that invest in a mix of asset classes. In some cases, the proportion of equity is higher than debt while in others it is the other way round. Risk and returns are balanced out this way.

Sector Funds: These are funds that invest in a particular sector of the market e.g. Infrastructure funds invest only in those instruments or companies that relate to the infrastructure sector. Returns are tied to the performance of the chosen sector. The risk involved in these schemes depends on the nature of the sector.

Index Funds: These are funds that invest in instruments that represent a particular index on an exchange so as to mirror the movement and returns of the index e.g. buying shares representative of the BSE Sensex.

Tax-Saving Funds: These are funds that invest primarily in equity shares. Investments made in these funds qualify for deductions under the Income Tax Act. They are considered high on risk but also offer high returns if the fund performs well.

Fund of funds: These are funds that invest in other mutual funds and returns depend on the performance of the target fund.

Based on structure

Open-Ended Funds: These are funds in which units are open for purchase or redemption through the year. All purchases/redemption of these fund units are done at prevailing NAVs. These funds are preferred since they offer liquidity to investors.

Close-Ended Funds: These are funds in which units can be purchased only during the initial offer period. Units can be redeemed at a specified maturity date. To provide for liquidity, these schemes are often listed for trade on a stock exchange.

Based on investment objective

Growth funds: Under these schemes, money is invested primarily in equity stocks with the purpose of providing capital appreciation. They are considered to be risky funds ideal for investors with a long-term investment timeline.

Income funds: Under these schemes, money is invested primarily in fixed-income instruments e.g. bonds, debentures etc. with the purpose of providing capital protection and regular income to investors.

Liquid funds: Under these schemes, money is invested primarily in short-term or very short-term instruments e.g. T-Bills, CPs etc. with the purpose of providing liquidity. They are considered to be low on risk with moderate returns and are ideal for investors with short-term investment timelines. Mutual funds offer investors many benefits. However, the onus of making a sound investment lies on the investor. Funds should be chosen keeping in mind investment objective, liquidity requirements. investment timelines and affordability.

HDFC Asset Management Company Limited (AMC) is a subsidiary of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC). HDFC holds 74% of the paid up share capital of the AMC and the balance 26% of the paid up share capital is held by The Standard Life Assurance Company.

Pioneers in the Indian Mutual Fund industry, we at UTI MF have always aimed at being a trusted, efficient and innovative wealth creators. This is made possible by an immensely strong team of professionals who never fail to lose sight of the objectives of our investors. After all, it is the investor who is at the heart everything we stand for.

Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited (RCAM), is a wholly owned subsidiary of Reliance Capital Limited, the sponsor. The entire paid-up capital (100%) of Reliance Capital Asset Management Limited is held by Reliance Capital Limited.

About HSBC Global Asset Management

HSBC Global Asset Management comprises four specialist businesses: Halbis, Sinopia, HSBC Multimanager and HSBC Liquidity. HSBC Multimanager and HSBC Liquidity are global business units which are part of HSBC Global Asset Management. Halbis and Sinopia are legally established as separate companies. HSBC Global Asset Management acts as the global representative of its specialist investment businesses.

As one of the world’s leading emerging markets asset management businesses, we are on-the-ground everywhere you want to be. We aim to provide unique insights, investment opportunities and access to service excellence worldwide.

The philosophy of DSP BlackRock Investment Managers Ltd. has been grounded in the belief that experienced investment professionals, using a disciplined process and sophisticated analytical tools, can consistently add value to client portfolios.

Tata Asset Management Pvt. Ltd. is a part of the Tata group - one of Indias largest and most respected industrial group. The Tata Group is one of Indias best-known conglomerate in the private sector with a turnover of around US $ 11.2 billion (equivalent to 2.4 % of Indias GDP). Long known for its adherence to business ethics, it is Indias most respected private business group. With 210,443 employees across 93 companies, it is also Indias largest employer in the private sector.

Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd. (BSLAMC), the investment managers of Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, is a joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group and the Sun Life Financial Services Inc. of Canada.

Canbank Investment Management Services Ltd. (the AMC) was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Canara Bank in 1993. The AMC is managing the assets of Canbank Mutual Fund (the Fund) by virtue of an investment management agreement dated 16th June 1993 (as amended from time to time).

Deutsche Asset Management, a member of the Deutsche Bank Group, is a leading financial powerhouse in global asset management. The AMC manages over EUR 535.6 billion in assets (as on December 2005).

Escorts Mutual Fund was setup on April 15, 1996 with Excorts Finance Limited as its sponsor. The Trustee Company is Escorts Investment Trust Limited. Its AMC was incorporated on December 1, 1995 with the name Escorts Asset Management Limited.

JM Financial Mutual Fund is one of Indias first private sector mutual funds-an integral part of the first wave that commenced operations in 1993-94. The Groups origins can be traced back to the 1950s when the Kampani family began to get involved in Indias then nascent capital markets. On September 15, 1973, Nimesh N. Kampani, Naveenchandra Kampani and Mahendra Kampani jointly founded J.M. Financial and Investment Consultancy Services.

Morgan Stanley Growth Fund (MSGF) is managed by Morgan Stanley Investment Management Private Limited (MSIM India), which is an asset management company to Morgan Stanley Mutual Fund (MSMF) and a subsidiary of Morgan Stanley. MSGF was launched in India in January 1994 and is one of the largest private sector schemes investing in equities. MSGF is listed on major stock exchanges in India. Morgan Stanley Investment Management manages $421 billion in assets for institutional and individual clients around the world.

Sahara Mutual Fund was set up on July 18, 1996 with Sahara India Financial Corporation Ltd. as the sponsor. Sahara Asset Management Company Private Limited incorporated on August 31, 1995 works as the AMC of Sahara Mutual Fund. The paid-up capital of the AMC stands at Rs 25.8 crore.

SBI Mutual Fund draws strength from Indias premier and largest bank, the State Bank of India. Set up on July 1, 1955, the State Bank of India is the largest banking operation in the country. SBI entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Société Générale Asset Management (SGAM), which offers retail investors, corporate clients and institutional investors a wide range of investment products.

IDFC is a leading private sector diversified financial institution established by a consortium of strong global and local institutions with the support and sponsorship of the Government of India.

Creditcapital Asset Management Company Limited (CAMCO) was incorporated in 1994 under Companies Act 1956 and authorized by SEBI to act as Asset Management Company for Taurus Mutual Fund. Initially, IFC Washington, Edinburgh Fund Managers (EFM) London and Lazard India Limited were the major shareholders of the company.

Edelweiss Asset Management Limited, a subsidiary of Edelweiss Capital Limited (ECL) is the asset management company acting as an investment manager to Edelweiss Mutual Fund (EMF).

Edelweiss Capital Limited is one of the leading and fastest growing financial services company in India. Founded in 1996, Edelweiss Capital including its subsidiaries offers a wide array of multi-line solutions including Investment Banking, Institutional Equities, Asset Management, Wealth Management, Private Client Business, Insurance Brokerage, Wholesale Financing and Treasury Operations.

Religare Invesco Asset Management Company Private Limited

With an average asset base of over INR 137 bn (for the quarter ending December 2013), Religare Invesco Asset Management aims to serve investment needs of domestic and global investors; individuals, corporate and institutions through mutual funds and sub-advised portfolios. Our product portfolio is managed by individually focused management teams to create optimum balance and results. We are committed to providing financial care and top class service. We subscribe to sustainable business models and processes that factor in the dynamism of the business in fast changing market scenarios. Investors can expect best-in-class investment products that will leverage on our expertise and global resources of Religare and Invesco.

The objective of Benchmark Mutual Fund is to provide low cost innovative products that enhance returns at acceptable levels of risk. To attain this objective Benchmark Mutual Fund plan to employ "Quantitative Techniques" to investing. Quantitative Techniques captures the massive amounts of financial information, analyzing and transforming it to develop disciplined and rigorous models to investing.

For over a century, JPMorgan has been providing asset management solutions to some of the worlds most demanding clients.

L&T Mutual Fund is one of the premier mutual funds in India that serves the investment needs of investors through a suite of acclaimed mutual fund schemes. With world class investment management practices and an equally competent fund management team, L&T Mutual Fund helps its investors reach their financial goals.

IDBI Asset Management Limited, the Asset Management Company of IDBI Mutual Fund is sponsored by IDBI Bank. As one of Indias largest banks, IDBI Bank has played a major role in the countrys industrial & economic progress for over 40 years, first as a development financial institution & later as a full-fledged Commercial Bank.

The Asset Management Company (AMC)

Pramerica Asset Managers Private Limited ("the AMC"), a private limited company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, has been appointed as the investment manager of Pramerica Mutual Fund by the Trustee under an Investment Management Agreement between the Trustee and the AMC. Further, the AMC has been approved to act as investment manager for Pramerica Mutual Fund by SEBI, vide SEBIs letter no. OW / 5045 / 2010 dated May 13, 2010.

Axis Mutual Fund launched its first scheme in October 2009- a challenging period on any account not just for the Indian but the global investor too. Despite this Axis Mutual Fund in less than three years has got off to a good start. Some numbers that bear this out


Indiabulls Mutual Fund is a SEBI registered Mutual Fund of India (Regn. No. MF/068/11/03). Indiabulls Mutual Fund has been established as a Trust with Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd as its Sponsor and Indiabulls Trustee Company Ltd as its Trustee.

Sundaram Asset Management Company is the investment manager to Sundaram Mutual Fund. Founded 1996, Sundaram Mutual is a fully owned subsidiary of one of India’s oldest NBFCs - Sundaram Finance Limited. At Sundaram Mutual, identifying an investment opportunity long before it manifests as one, is the heart of our business belief. Once we unearth a potential opportunity, our Financial Experts spend countless time to research the companies, to see what will deliver the best returns for your money.

Baroda Pioneer Asset Managemet Company Limited is a joint venture between two large and well-established financial services companies - Bank of Baroda and Pioneer Investments. Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund is positioned to serve the varied asset management needs of investors in India through a range of equity, debt and money market offerings. Since the formation of the joint venture in 2008, Baroda Pioneer has been working to create an operational and servicing platform well suited to the exacting requirements of our existing and potential investors.

Prudential ICICI Asset Management Company, (49%: 51%) a joint venture between Prudential Plc, UKs leading insurance company and ICICI Bank Ltd, Indias premier financial institution. The AMC is Prudential ICICI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated on 22nd of June 1993.

Corporate Profile

Constitution of the Mutual Fund

IIFL Mutual Fund ("the Mutual Fund" or "the Fund") has been constituted as a trust on April 29, 2010 in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) with India Infoline Limited (Settler) and India Infoline Trustee Company Limited as the Trustee. The Trust Deed has been registered under the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The Mutual Fund was registered with SEBI on March 23, 2011 under Registration Code MF/067/11/02.

Asset Management Company

Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company Ltd. (AMC) is a limited company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 on November 14, 2008, having its Registered Office at Palm Spring Centre, 2nd Floor, Palm Court Complex, New Link Road, Malad(W), Mumbai – 400064. Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company Ltd. has been appointed as the Investment Manager to Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund by the Trustee vide Investment Management Agreement (IMA) dated May 21, 2009, executed between Motilal Oswal Trustee Company Ltd. and Motilal Oswal Asset Management Company Ltd. The Board of Directors of the Asset Management Company comprises eminent personalities with varied experience.

Peerless Funds Management Company Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of The Peerless General Finance and Investment Company Limited (PGFI), is the first mutual fund in the eastern region and the first to be headquartered in Kolkata.

Shriram Mutual Fund had been constituted as a Trust in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) vide a Trust Deed dated May 27,1994 as amended from time to time. The said Trust deed has been duly registered under the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The Fund was registered with SEBI vide registration number MF/017/94/4 dated November 21, 1994.

Welcome to Union KBC Mutual Fund

Thank you for choosing Union KBC Mutual Fund for your investment needs. Our team of customer service representatives will provide you the information and assistance you need in the registration process while you make your first Purchase with us. Our Toll Free No. 18002002268 and Non-Toll Free No. 022-2483 3333

BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited is a joint venture between Bank of India and AXA Investment Managers, a part of AXA Group, one of the world’s largest players in the Financial Protection industry.

With over 50 years of experience in international investment management and offices in over 28 countries Franklin Templeton services more than 10 million unit holders. Franklin Templeton offers over 240 investment products, available under the Franklin, Templeton and Mutual Series brandnames, serviced and supported by 6,400 employees in more than 28 countries.

Kotak Mahindra is one of Indias leading financial institutions, offering complete financial solutions that encompass every sphere of life. From commercial banking, to stock broking, to mutual funds, to life insurance, to investment banking, the group caters to the financial needs of individuals and corporates. The group has a net worth of over Rs.1,550 crore and employs over 3,000 employees in its various businesses. With a presence in 60 cities in India and offices in New York, London, Dubai and Mauritius, it services a customer base of over 5,00,000.

LIC Mutual Fund was set up by the Life Insurance Corporation of India on 20th April 1989 to engage in the business of Mutual Fund and in order to achieve this objective to engage in any other activity or business permitted or authorized. The Fund continues to work towards realizing this objective. The Fund was governed by a Board of Trustees earlier and is governed with effect from 8th April 2003 by LIC Mutual Fund Trustee Company Pvt. Ltd.(Trustee Company) on its incorporation under The Companies Act, 1956.

Mirae Asset Global Investments (India) Pvt. Ltd is a worldwide leader in asset management, with extensive capabilities in asset management, life insurance, securities and capital & venture investments across World. Mirae Asset Global Investments (India) Pvt. Ltd (the AMC) was established as a wholly owned subsidiary of Mirae Asset Financial Group head quartered in Seoul, South Korea in 1997 and came under the spotlight in 1998. Principle of the business: Objectivity, teamwork, citizenship, placing the client first and behind our growth are universal, and we are determined to bring the gains to investors around the world.

IDBI and Principal Financial Group joined hands in April 2000 to establish the IDBI-PRINCIPAL Asset Management Company Ltd.

This is a 50:50 joint venture between the Industrial Development Bank of India, one of the largest development banks in the world and Principal Financial Group, USA, a world leader in the Retirement Savings business, providing services to more 401(k) plans than any other mutual fund, bank or insurance company in North America.

Welcome to Quantum Mutual Fund.

Quantum Mutual Fund is India’s first dedicated, direct-to-investor mutual fund. Quantum Mutual Fund offers simple and easy-to-understand products. Investing for the long term is not complicated. Any computer engineer, doctor, or scientist can be a good investor. But it is practically impossible for a mutual fund manager with a business, commerce, or economics degree to be a computer engineer, doctor, or scientist.

Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited has been a pioneer in infrastructure financing in India, steadily contributing towards infrastructural development, and a better tomorrow. Today, we are synonymous with innovative infrastructure financing from customized solutions to marketing programmes.

PineBridge is a global asset manager with nearly 60 years of experience in emerging and developed markets. We manage US$ 70.8 billion across our platform for institutional and individual investors worldwide as of 30 September 2014.

PPFAS Asset Management (PPFAS AMC) has been promoted by Parag Parikh Financial Advisory Services Ltd. (PPFAS Ltd.), a boutique investment advisory firm incorporated in 1992. PPFAS Ltd. is also amongst India’s earliest SEBI Registered Portfolio Management Service (PMS) providers.

With an average asset base of over INR 19,039.35 crores (for the quarter ending June 2016), Invesco Asset Management (India) aims to serve investment needs of domestic and global investors, individuals, corporate and institutions through mutual funds and sub-advised portfolios. Our product portfolio is managed by individually focused management teams to create optimum balance and results. We are committed to providing financial care and top class service.

DHFL was founded in 1984 by Late Shri Rajesh Kumar Wadhawan with a vision to provide financial access to the lower and middle income segments of the society. Today, led by Mr. Kapil Wadhawan, CMD, DHFL, the Company is one of India's leading mortgage finance institutions with presence in over 450 locations across the country, in addition to representative offices in Dubai and London.

Indiabulls Mutual Fund is a SEBI registered Mutual Fund of India (Regn. No. MF/068/11/03). Indiabulls Mutual Fund has been established as a Trust with Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited as its Sponsor and Indiabulls Trustee Company Ltd as its Trustee. Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited is one of India’s leading and fastest growing private sector financial services companies providing Consumer Finance, Housing Finance, Commercial Loans, Asset Management and Advisory services.

Baroda Pioneer Asset Management Company Limited is a joint venture between two large and well-established financial services companies - Bank of Baroda and Pioneer Investments. Baroda Pioneer Mutual Fund is positioned to serve the varied asset management needs of investors in India through a range of equity, debt and money market offerings.

ICICI Prudential Asset Management Company Ltd. is a leading management company (AMC) in the country focused on bridging the gap between savings & investments and creating long term wealth for investors through a range of simple and relevant investment solutions.The AMC is a joint venture between ICICI Bank, a well-known and trusted name in financial services in India and Prudential Plc, one of UK’s largest players in the financial services sectors. Throughout these years of the joint venture, the company has forged a position of pre-eminence in the Indian Mutual Fund industry.

IIFL Holdings Limited (NSE: IIFL, BSE: IIFL) is the apex holding company of the entire IIFL Group, promoted by first generation entrepreneurs. Our evolution from an entrepreneurial start-up in 1995 to a leading financial services group in India is a story of steady growth by adapting to the dynamic business environment, without losing focus on our core domain of financial services.

Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. is a reputed name in Financial Services with group companies providing services such as Private Wealth Management, Retail Broking and Distribution, Institutional Broking, Asset Management, Investment Banking, Private Equity, Commodity Broking, Currency Broking, Principal Strategies & Home Finance.Motilal Oswal Securities is a group company of Motilal Oswal Financial Service Limited which started as a stock broking company and has blossomed into well diversified firm offering a range of financial products and services.

Peerless Funds Management Co Limited (PFMCL), a subsidiary of The Peerless General Finance and Investment Company Limited (PGFI), is the investment manager to the first mutual fund in the eastern region headquartered in Kolkata.

Shriram Mutual Fund had been constituted as a Trust in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (2 of 1882) vide a Trust Deed dated May 27,1994 as amended from time to time. The said Trust deed has been duly registered under the Indian Registration Act, 1908. The Fund was registered with SEBI vide registration number MF/017/94/4 dated November 21, 1994.

Union KBC is a Joint Venture setup between two large institutions, Union Bank of India and KBC Asset Management NV., while Union Bank of India holds 51% stake in our organization the remaining 49% is held by KBC Asset Management NV through its 100% subsidiary KBC Participations Renta.

BOI AXA Investment Managers Private Limited is a joint venture between Bank of India and AXA Investment Managers, a part of AXA Group, one of the world’s largest players in the Financial Protection industry.Bank of India has around 4,545 branches (including specialized branches) across India. Presently Bank of India has an overseas presence in 22 countries spread over 5 continents – with 56 offices including 5 Subsidiaries, 5 Representative Offices and 1 Joint Venture.

Kotak Mahindra is one of India's leading financial institutions, offering complete financial solutions that encompass every sphere of life. From commercial banking, to stock broking, to mutual funds, to life insurance, to investment banking, the group caters to the financial needs of individuals and corporates.

Originating from Asia, Mirae Asset was founded in 1997 in the wake of the Asian currency crisis. Today, Mirae Asset encompasses the global capability to deliver our best ideas to investors around the world via on-the-ground presence in 12 countries across 5 continents. Our goal is to provide our clients with insightful financial strategies and consistent performance through our diversified product offering.

Srei Infrastructure Finance Limited is a leading infrastructure financing conglomerate in India. Srei, derived from the Hindi word Shrey, pronounced as 'Shrey', meaning 'merit' / 'credit' has completed a quarter of a century. In these 25 years, Srei has come a long way after starting perhaps in one of the most difficult and challenging times. In 1989, India had not opened up and the economy was in doldrums.